Year: 2013 | Month: June | volume 3 | Issue 1

Education Technology — A Blend of Product and Idea Technology

DOI:Coming soon...

Abstract: <div>Teaching-learning is a challenging job. The study comprises a flashback of educational technology in the light of present educational system. The two known types of educational technology – Idea and Product technology plays an integral part in teaching and learning. Both complement each other in keeping pace with the education system. The use of idea and product technology involves two trends in teaching-learning system – traditional and contemporary roles. The traditional system emphasizes the use of product technology. On the other hand, the present system throws light on idea technology. It has been seen that a combination of idea and product technology ensures a desirable feedback in students’ learning. As</div><div>a result the entire teaching-learning system reflects the transformation of one’s learning philosophy from behavioral to cognitive. The introduction of contemporary principles adds to the conversion of instruction into construction in the teaching learning process.</div>

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@TechnoLEARN, An International Journal of Educational Technology(TL)| Printed by New Delhi Publishers

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